Saturday 29 December 2012

On filling the inner hole & coming home by Yasmin Mogahed

In the process of filling the void in our heart, we often seek for temporary happiness. Happiness in our own definition. Without even realizing what the message is beyond every tests and gifts.
Unfortunately the void keeps on getting larger and larger as if we had done nothing to try to fill it. We keep on drowning in dunya in the process.
What if everything was only about seeing Him?
Everything happened with a purpose behind. We are the one who made the choice whether to realize that purpose or not.
Everything in this world was created as a sign. The Sun, forest, sea, etc. But these can only be understood by a selected group-those who reflect (think, understand, use their intellect) and remember God in every human condition (standing, sitting, lying down).
All these signs contain message if we study them. Yet we often miss the true message. We often been enamoured by the shell. 
All these signs actually lead to Him. To His Greatness, His Majesty, His Beauty. His power and might.
We must study, reflect and absorb the beauty and majesty of what is created. But do not stop there. Look beyond the creation. If these creations are that great and majestic, how majestic and great the Creator is.
If we look beyond and through everything that happens to us, everything we do-or fail to do-and see Allah, then we will have gotten the purpose. As nothing happens for a reason. Every little thing happened has a purpose. We just need to find that purpose.
And remember that after all of the creation is destroyed and not a single being exists except Him, Allah is the only one we can return and beg for something because He is the dominion today.

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